Michelle Baylon

“I was born and raised in the Philippines. I was part of the Adventist Church and though I felt like I knew the Lord then, I didn't know that I could know Him even deeper. Everything was great in the Philippines. I have a wonderful family, great friends, and a cool church family; life was good. So, when my mom decided to move us to the States when I was 14, I was bitter. English was difficult and adjusting to the American culture was a hard transition. I felt lonely.

I changed from being a talkative person to being someone who hardly spoke in school. In Filipino culture we love to eat rice, but during the first two or three weeks of school I would bring sandwiches for lunch so that I could eat in the bathroom. I don’t know how to explain it, but I just did not know how to belong or make friends.

It was during this moment that Jesus became real to me. You know how everybody says, “Oh, have a personal relationship with God.” Well, I never really understood that growing up in such a comfortable life. I didn’t feel such need for God’s friendship until that season. As I was trying to adjust to this new life where I was so lonely, that’s when I felt Him say “Hey, I am here. I’m a friend, talk to me.”

During that transition, I have seen God in a different light. He was more than just our Almighty and All-powerful God. He became a personal God – my faithful Companion. Later, He used two of my classmates to reach out to me and help me break out of my shell, and high school became a blast! That experience was difficult to go through, but I wouldn’t have it any other way because that’s when I got to experience God’s friendship in a deeper level.

Growing from that experience, I have learned that when you feel like you have nobody, He is there. And when you have Him, you have all you need. That’s why I always tell people to try Him out. He’s the most faithful and constant Friend you can ever have. Life is better when experienced with Him!"

-Michelle Baylon, from Mt. Juliet SDA Church in Mt. Juliet, TN.


Jeanne Chase


Judit Manchay