Scott Smith

“Growing up, I was a Presbyterian; not ­­­because I knew what one was but because that's what my family was. I went to church on Sunday, but I would never hear anything about Jesus during the week. So, I grew up and had no root in the Word. When I was old enough, I drove away from the church because it didn't mean a whole lot to me.


I got involved in different lifestyle. I drunk and smoked drugs. I played Rock & Roll music at bars. I was always putting up fliers and telling people to come to my show.


In 2016, I started reading the Bible, all the way from Genesis to Revelation. I found myself Googling words that I didn't know, looking for Bible commentaries and watching Bible study programs on YouTube. I found out about the Sabbath, and I was amazed.


Then, I found out about the clean and unclean meat. I love shrimp, sausages, and pork chops, but I came home that day and threw out every bit of it. About two months later, my boss overheard me saying that I didn't eat pork because it says so in the Bible. He showed me Mark 7:19 and convinced me that everything was made clean again after Jesus.


That day, I went out to Walmart and spent almost an entire paycheck on pork chops, bacon, and sausage. That’s all I ate for three weeks, until I watched an Amazing Facts video where it explained what Jesus was really talking about in Mark 7. It also talked about the dangers of cherry-picking Bible verses. Once again, I threw out all the unclean meat in our refrigerator. I prayed to God with all my heart to give me strength to change and make a solid foundation in His Word.


I quit going to the bars and playing music. I sold my electric guitars and my amplifiers. I quit drinking, smoking and everything I had asked God for strength to quit.


He took out that old stony heart of mine and gave me a flesh heart; one that he could mold and has been shaping ever since. My journey with the Lord has been wonderful. At one point I thought to myself, ‘well, I guess I'll always be a smoker and drinker. I'll always be doing these things.’ But as soon as I as took one step towards Jesus, He ran 10 steps towards me.”

-       Scott Smith from the Leitchfield Church in Kentucky


Brayan Ramírez


Jonathan Sanders