Lawrenceburg Church hosts seminar to help church members "Claim their Children Back"

On April 28 and 29, the Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Church hosted a two-day seminar about the power of prayer and the Lord's promise to rescue those who have strayed away from the faith. The seminar, called "Claiming Your Children Back," was attended by many church members and visitors.


The program was organized by Lawrenceburg Church member Kelli Scott. It was inspired by Scott’s desire to see her children in heaven. Every Friday, Scott meets with a group to pray for their loved ones who have walked away from the church.


“We get together and we pray for not just for our children, but all the young people,” Scott said. “This is a burden of mine, and I know I am not alone in that. We pray and we claim God's promises. We need this to encourage our hearts so that we can start anew and start fresh, and really fight the battle for their salvation on our knees.”


The seminar guest speaker was Creative Media Ministries president Grant Agadjaniand. The sessions focused on the importance of prayer, the power of love and forgiveness, and the significance of leaning in God's promises.


During the two-day event, participants were encouraged to remember that Christ is the only one who can bring back their loved ones to a life of faith. The seminar also included practical advice on how to reach out to those who have lost their way.


“I think it’s important to realize that we may be the only Jesus [our loved ones] are seeing right now. So, what do they see?” Scott said. “If our desire is that they will fall in love with God, we can’t do that through condemnation or by being critical, but just by loving them to Jesus.’


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